branding and graphic design
by eian
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branding and graphic design
by eian

Nin10Jo's new brand features the same iconic Nin10Jo colors, with a slight twist in the font structure and logo. There's more polish, color, and features that bold flexibility and quirkiness that Joey is known for. This is the 2022 Nin10Jo refresh.

"Eian is an incredibly talented graphic designer who has shown incredible skill at such an early age. He is clearly destined for greatness." – Nin10Jo
"Eian is an incredibly talented graphic designer who has shown incredible skill at such an early age. He is clearly destined for greatness." – Nin10Jo
"Eian is an incredibly talented graphic designer who has shown incredible skill at such an early age. He is clearly destined for greatness." – Nin10Jo
"Eian is an incredibly talented graphic designer who has shown incredible skill at such an early age. He is clearly destined for greatness." – Nin10Jo
"Eian is an incredibly talented graphic designer who has shown incredible skill at such an early age. He is clearly destined for greatness." – Nin10Jo
Nin10Jo's brand originally consisted of a jumbled bunch of letters that come together to spell 'Nin10Jo' representing his dynamic nature of streaming. He is able to jump into any game and give viewers the content they expect each time.
Nin10Jo's brand originally consisted of a jumbled bunch of letters that come together to spell 'Nin10Jo' representing his dynamic nature of streaming. He is able to jump into any game and give viewers the content they expect each time.
no behind the scenes on this project :)
behind the scenes:
no behind the scenes on this project :)